
    Morning came in its slow pace, as if the rising sun was trapped beneath the ashen sky. I´m flying towards the west and here starts my journey. A random pick 3 minutes before boarding while trasferring brought me the best companion book. ¨the shadow of the wind¨, a book originally written in spainish and translated into beautiful english with a stage setting in barcelona, early summer in 1940s. i regard it the first good sign for the journey. the second one is a meet with someone who enthusiastically arranged all the nightout during my staying in barcelona while sitting next to me. well..., if you´re a solo traverler, people always try to take care of you. somehow, i hope the plane crash or the flight never end. guess... i´m truely running away from my life, deep down in my heart.



met the city finally. arrived on a bank holiday. i´m happy that i chose it as a start. it´s a living city with a personality. you can see that even in its own rest. weather is perfect. took a sunbath on the sightseeing coach. ready for the mad spanish artists. gaudi, dali and piccaso. (why not loewe, camper, adolfio domingues?) BUT, before all that, i´d like to try ¨THE PUB¨, which the guy on the plane recommended. he said it is the spanish advanced version of minister of sound in london.


 (Between the 2 towers, people say that´s where the fun places are.)


(i just finished my car renting online and will leave the civilization tomorrow. i post my favorate tourist spot here first.)´





(my smart, the one i rent, of course. now it has been travelled with my for more than 200 km. BUT, never buy a smart if you want to have a car. not a saving car even in the manual mode. getting slippery when you drive over 140km/hr on the highway.)





(the followings are the place i stayed. it costs me "330 euros" for one night, because it is part of the palace and inside the museum. during the night time, you can access part of the palace freely and there is only you. well..., till now, i have to go camping on my car for that 330 euros.... and..., still prefer the oberoi series in india. look it up online. you will know then.)


hi, guys, back again. i´m VERY TIRED now and tomorrow i´m going to travel north. for the past several days, lots of interesting things happened. new stories keep coming up everyday. i returned the smart 3 or 4 days before and guess how much i drove? more than 3000km. the staff there said, ¨wow, that is a record!¨ ha.... that´s my own record also. >3000km within 12 days. well..., my beach holiday in southern spain ended also. the spenish sun peeled me twice. that hurt! was going to talk about the mediterranean beaches today, but let´s do it next time with the oldest restaurant in the world, restaurante sobrino de botin¨, which can be date in 1725. and also their suckling pig, which, people say, is their staying power. too tired and cannot make sure if the pictures showing normally or not. so... see you next time. missing you much.

p.s. DO tell me if it works ok. ALL the beaches in spain..., girls can be top-off. ha... well... i mean, that´s the famous costa brava, costa daurada and costa blanca after all.



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